The Economics of Migration

Nigeria’s “japa” generation are mostly youths who are daily becoming economic migrants in First World nations because their energies and talents are not being harnessed by the Nigerian political elite, who are practically ill-prepared and ill-fitted for the assignments they have forced upon themselves. In addition to a grand failure to come up with pragmatic…

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Economics Is Based on Assumptions

After making brilliant predictions, economists then spoil everything with the caveat, “ceteris paribus,” or all things being equal. It’s their way of admitting that they are not God, and, like other mortals, are fallible. Economists even poke fun at themselves with the observation that when 10 economists form a committee, they’ll likely come up with…

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Nigeria’s Economic Imperatives

Everyone knows that candidates for sundry political offices have expressed their intentions and provided their manifestos to the people of Nigeria. And the hour is fast approaching for you, the citizens of Nigeria, to choose those who will administer your affairs in the next four years. If the choice was between the reelection of incumbent…

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